Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Local Used Bookstore: A Valuable Resource

I love books!!  I love going to the library to browse the stacks of books and I love roam the aisles of the local bookstore.  I enjoy my Amazon Kindle very much, but nothing beats the look and the feel of a real book.
Let’s face it, books are expensive, especially text books.  Click the links below to see the average price of books and textbooks.
The Instructional Technology program at NC State doesn’t require any outrageously expensive textbooks, but I have found the need for supplemental materials for my research.  I haven’t visited the NC State library yet, but that would be my first choice if I lived closer.  My first choice is always the local library.  I have two libraries close to me and I can always utilize the library at Ft. Bragg.These libraries always seem to have some material to fit my needs.   If I need something the libraries don’t have, I look for used books online. 
One of the greatest resources I have is the local used bookstore.  I am amazed at the number of books that I have found there that can actually apply to my study in Instructional Technology.   Some of the books I have found recently and will probably use in the immediate future are:                                                                                                                                          
Commonsense Copyright:  A Guide for Educators and Librarians              
By R.S. Talab                      
Digital Storytelling in the Classroom: New Media Pathways to Literacy, Learning, and Creativity
By Jason Ohler
Discussion-Based Online Teaching to Enhance Student Learning                                               
By Tisha Bender
The Flickering Mind:  The False Promise of Technology in the Classroom and How Learning Can Be Saved
By Todd Oppenheimer
How Teachers Learn Technology Best    
By Jamie McKenzie
Second Life:  The Official Guide 
By Michael Rymaszewksi, Wagner James Au, Cory Onjrejka, Richard Platel, Saran Van Gorden, Jeanette Cezanne, Paul Cezanne, Ben Batstone-Cunningham, Aleks Krotoski, Celebrity Trollop, Jim Rossignol, and Second Life residents from around the world
Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Book 2 Effective Domain
By David R. Krathwohn, Benjamin S. Bloom, Bertram B. Masia
Visual Tools for Constructing Knowledge
By David Hyerle
The total that I paid for these six books is $34. Compare that to the price of the average price of one adult hardback book in 2008 which was $27.47 as quoted in the Kennedy article.              
Kennedy, B. (2008).  Keeping Up With the Jonses:  Average Book Prices 2008.  School Library    
Affordable Textbooks:  What’s New.  (n.d.) In US PIRG website.  Retrieved from 


  1. Used books have a wonderfully nostalgic appeal. I've always loved the library, but must admit that the Internet and my life have made it easy for me to avoid my usual trips. Nevertheless, I could not imagine life without libraries and was appalled when I discovered the number of places digitizing text in substitution. I prefer paper to screens, ironically. It would be devastating still to have restricted Internet (NDAA potential) after experiencing it in its peak.

  2. Another excellent sharing - would you mind linking those books to somewhere like Amazon so folks can learn more/buy them?

    Sharing this as well!

  3. I love books. But, definitely know that technology will continue to change how books are used and accessed.

