Sunday, March 25, 2012

Distance Education

Without distance education, I would be unable to complete a degree.  Pursuing an education online allows me to attend school from Germany, Afghanistan, while I’m on leave in Maryland, or right here in Fayetteville, NC. I can also continue with the same school when I move from North Carolina this summer.   Going to school online allows me to complete an assignment at 3am or during my lunch break at work. 


Distance education seems to be a perfect fit for those who juggle other responsibilities such as a job and family. Distance education also provides better opportunities for those in rural locations.  Instead of being limited to what is offered in their area, these students are able to attend classes with students from all over the world.


Distance Education is not compatible with the learning styles of some students.  Some students do better in an environment where they interact with others.  Also, technology malfunctions are more likely to have an impact on the education of online students. 

Brosche and Feavel suggest the following in order to be successful online students.

·         Assess your computer knowledge and skills. Review and update your skills as necessary. 

·         Update your computer.  The book recommends installing Microsoft Office Suite.  Most online schools have specific requirements for computers, internet speed, and software.

·         Identify and address potential Internet Issues early.  I suggest getting the best internet possible.  I have a personal plan and backup plan.  I have two laptops.  My back up plan was to use the computers at work, but because a fire destroyed the building I worked in and we are in a temporary building while our new building is being renovated, work is sometimes not an option.  I also know that the libraries in Fayetteville have Wi-Fi.  I have discovered which restaurants on Ramsey St. offer free Wi-Fi.  I took advantage of this option when I returned from Afghanistan.

·         Locate local tech support.  The book suggests a family member or friend.  I have located a local computer repair guy who understands that I need my computer for school and will fix it quickly.  

·         Complete the Orientation Tutorial.  The orientation tutorial will help you learn to navigate the class site before you begin school and have to submit assignments.

·         Understand How to Access Your Web-Based Classrooms.  Understand how to participate in discussions.

I plan to continue with online school.  Someday I hope to help others with distane education. 

If you are reading this blog, what has helped you to be a successful online student?

Brosche, T., &Feavel, M. (2011).  Successful Online Learning:  Managing the Online Learning  

     Environment Efficiently and Effectively.  Sudbury, MA:  Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Internet Safety

I don’t have children or even teach in a school.  Technology has changed a lot since I last taught private clarinet lessons.  It seems as though everyone does business on the internet these days.  Sometimes it seems as though people post too much about themselves on the internet.  Whatever happened to a little privacy?

If I had a child, I would want to protect them from having too much information on the internet.  When I create my website, I want to create it in a way that allows privacy for my students, while still being informative.   I went online and found that there is much more to internet privacy than I originally thought.  Here are some examples:

·         Protect students from online predators

·         Protect students from cyberbullies

·         Protect students from posting personal information online

·         Protect students from posting anything that could come back to “haunt” them later

·         Protect students from inappropriate content

·         Protect students from deceptive advertising

·         Keep students from violating copyright

The best way to prevent these things from happening to students is to model good use of the internet and to educate them of the dangers that could be encountered.  I’m sure schools and school districts have guidelines to help.

I Keep Safe is a website that educates parents and students on the dangers of the internet.  There are sections for parents, educators, and communities.   The website even offers lesson plans for teachers to use as tools to help students. 

Technology will continue to evolve along with new ways for online predators to exploit students.   We must be ever-vigilant in defending younger students from harm.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Army Technology

Even though   I am in an army band, I still have to fulfill basic military requirements.  One such requirement is qualification with an M16 rifle.  This is a yearly requirement for all solders, regardless of military occupational specialty.

This past week, I got to try out some new army technology in order to qualify on the M16.  The Army Engagement Skills Trainer (EST) 2000 is shooting simulation using real modified weapons.  The EST has ten lanes for shooters with the targets being on a large screen.  Several training scenarios are provided, including marksmanship training and situational training.

The EST is a valuable tool because it can save units time and money and is much safer than a live range.  Ammunition is expensive and sometimes there is a shortage of it.  Some installations are too small to support a weapons range.  The EST provides a way for soldiers to qualify yearly despite ammunition shortages or lack of ranges.   The EST also provides immediate feedback to the shooter.  The soldier is able to look at the screen to see where the “bullets” hit. 

The EST is also safer.  Even though it is basically an indoor video game, safety is still stressed.  The soldier is still required to lock and load the magazine with the rounds, clear the weapon, and put the weapon on safe.  The situational exercise that the EST provides also allows the soldiers to participate in realistic scenario training without accidentally harming someone.

The are some negative aspects to the EST.  Since the range is indoors, soldiers don’t get used to firing in the wind or rain.  This is important since shooters need to learn to compensate for the environmental elements.  Also, since adjustments are made through the computer, the soldier doesn’t get the chance to mechanically adjust the weapon. 

Overall, the EST is a long-overdue training aid.  It can save time and money while allowing soldiers to practice a valuable skill.  I hope the army continues to modify this system to make it even more realistic.

Here are some websites to learn more about this system: